
The bot commands /start and /help will display a short summary of the bots capabilities.

Generating a Sticker#

The bots most important functionality is the inline mode. To generate a sticker, simply type @TwitterStatusBot <your tweet> and select the generated sticker. It might take a moment for the sticker to be build, so please be patient. Tweets can have a maximum length of 256 characters in inline mode.

Stickers can also be generated by texting <your tweet> directly to the bot. No length limit here, though tweets with long text will be hard to read, as they are scaled to 512 pixels.

Managing Profile Pictures#

The bot always uses your current profile picture. If you have no profile picture or the bot can’t see it due to your privacy settings, the bot will use its logo instead.

If you don’t want to change your privacy settings but still want to use a profile picture, you can set a fallback picture via the /set_fallback_picture_command. You can view and delete it with the /show_fallback_picture and /delete_fallback_picture commands.


  • The fallback picture is only used when the bot can’t access your actual profile picture.

  • Any change in the profile picture will lead to the bot dropping any stored stickers (see below), as they have become outdated.

Managing Stored Stickers#

By default, the bot keeps track of which stickers you generate and suggests them to you in the inline mode. To turn this off, use the /toggle_store_stickers command.

You can also selectively delete only specific stickers via the /delete_sticker_command.


Stored stickers are dropped if you change your profile picture (see above).

Managing Timezones#

By default, the bot will print the timestamp of the current UTC time at tho bottom of the sticker. If you want to use a custom timezone, you can set it via the /set_timezone command.

Managing Text Directions#

By default, the bot will print the text of the tweet from left to right. If you are using a right-to-left language, you can use the /toggle_text_direction command to change this behavior.


This bot uses the ptbstats plugin to make some usage statistics available. The commands /text and /ilq will provide statistics on all stickers generated in private chat with the bot and via inline queries, respectively.


Those commands will only work for the admin of the bot.